
You tried to access https://c3subtitles.de/talk/guid/3f2fdf31-c3fd-532a-bedb-0416e5d08b02. This dataset is currently not in our database.
If you want to work on the subtitles for this talk please give us a hint in #subtitles in the ccc rocket chat or #subtitles IRC channel on hackint.org. Tell us which talk you want to work on (title, event, id) and we will make the talk available for you.

This is the talk you came from and its data: https://media.ccc.de/public/events/3f2fdf31-c3fd-532a-bedb-0416e5d08b02

Please give us that link.

Talk Data

Talk Title
How to digitale Barrierefreiheit?
Fahrplan ID